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Highland Auction Mart Director Fails to Declare Interest to Planning Dept.
(May 04, 2009)A recent letter dated 27th April 2009 lodged in support of a controversial planning application by David Sutherland of Tulloch Homes has been described by this websites legal source as "Dishonest"
The letter which is signed by a Ewan Macdonald of Torgorm Conon-Brae by Dingwall sets out a long list of praise for Mr Sutherland and his farming operations.However the writer and Mr Sutherland have failed to declare to the planning dept or the general public that a state of interaction exsists between them.
The legal source further comments that" whilst McAllister Media a publicity arm of Tullochs composed the letter .and that Mr MacDonald and Tullochs through Cameron Paterson have just recently applied for 230 houses five retail units and a pub on land owned by or under the control of Mr Macdonald,they withheld that information from the public and the planning dept.
The legal source believes that directors of companies who by their actions or inactions fail to apply an standard acceptable to reasonable and fair minded people are knowingly acting dishonestly.
It was incumbent upon them both to declare a friendship and business association to the planning dept.
Mr Ewan Macdonald has already posed for pictures in Aprils edition of I Mag a
magazine published by McAllister Media.
A copy of the letter will be available on the web-site later today.