Latest News
(January 28, 2009)Mr Stuart Hunt
(By E-Mail)
CM6/C80/08 AGS/DP |
26th January 2009
Dear Mr Hunt
I write to advise you regarding the result of the enquiry into the complaint you made on 3rd September 2008.
You will be aware that I appointed Superintendent Cowie to investigate the complaint you made concerning the conduct of Chief Inspector MacLean, Head of Professional Standards and Conduct Unit. Your complaint was investigated thoroughly and the facts of the case reported to the Area Procurator Fiscal, Inverness. The full context and background of your complaint of a criminal conspiracy within the criminal justice system (along with the material you provided to support this) was included in the enquiry and the subsequent report.
The Area Procurator Fiscal has indicated, based upon the report submitted to him, that your allegation is not such from which it may reasonably be inferred that a Police Officer has committed a criminal offence. I understand that he has advised you of his decision.
I subsequently instructed that the full circumstances of your complaint be reviewed to determine if there was any evidence of misconduct by Chief Inspector MacLean. This has now been done and I can inform you that I do not believe that there is. However, in the course of the review, it has been pointed out that your expectations were raised by Chief Inspector MacLean in that he indicated to you that he intended to interview a number of individuals within the criminal justice system. Whilst this was well intentioned it was not based upon a realistic appraisal of what was necessary or proportionate based upon the material gathered. Further, it did not take into account the appropriate channels for redress of your grievances against individuals exercising their professional judgement/skills within the criminal justice system. Chief Inspector MacLean has been made aware of this. I regret any false expectations that this may have raised and apologise if this had an adverse effect on you.
Yours sincerely
A G Sutherland
Deputy Chief Constable